Thursday, September 2, 2010

Gaga Craziness

Megan and I went to the Lady Gaga concert on Tuesday night. The fact that tickets were ridiculously expensive, and the fact that Megan was starting her school year and me starting back at work at 8 am the following morning did not stop us from going and it was well worth it. We could have done without the opening act, Semi Precious Weapons, because they were insane and the singer was just a hot mess. He even changed his whole outfit (including his skin tight leggings) on stage, not kidding. But Gaga was amazing. That girl puts on a good show. It was kind of a storyline with elaborate sets and costumes, and it didn't even matter that most of the songs had absolutely nothing to do with the "plot" because it was all just so flashy and exciting. I think she changed her outfit during or in between almost every song, sometimes in about 30 seconds while still singing backstage. Impressive.
Even the set changes were entertaining. Of course it was weird and if you've seen any of her performances you know she does weird things with blood and strange costumes and such. That's all just part of her character.
Ok, so here's the thing about the show that we didn't like. We were sitting next to a family with children the approximate ages of 6 and 10. This show was NOT appropriate for children. Swearing (mostly from the opening act), sex, blood and gore are not things that you should pay for your child to see, especially on a school night. What are these parents thinking? The only thing that was in any way remotely appropriate for kids was her message about being yourself and loving who you are and not caring about what other people think. But even that was tied in to her advocacy for GLBT rights and support. She has a large gay following and her support for the community is part of the reason she has such dedicated fans. I don't even want to think about how many things parents had to explain to their kids after seeing this. For grown ups, it was a very good (in a weird way) show. As crazy as Gaga seems, she really is a talented artist. She writes all of her music and lyrics, always sings live, is an amazing dancer, and is so creative and unique that she has basically made herself an icon. And I think she is younger than me. Megan and I were trying to figure out who to compare her to. Elvis? MJ? Madonna? Prince? Maybe a combination of all of them, but she is in a class of her own.

I didn't get a whole lot of sleep after the concert because I was all hyped up and then all anxious about going back to work. By the time I finally got to bed I couldn't fall asleep. My first day back at the office was super busy. After a two month "vacation" a lot of things had changed and I had a lot of stuff to sort through and organize. I have a very long to do list and have hardly made a dent in it. Plus I have to change my name on everything, which is practically a job in itself. It feels good to be back and be more productive. These two days have gone so fast and I have worked 9-10 hours a day and had to cut myself off. I have a lot to do tomorrow before the holiday weekend so I better get to bed. Still haven't heard from the hubby :( Hopefully he will be able to contact me soon. I miss talking to him and haven't heard his voice in almost a month.

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