Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Growing up

Yesterday as I was helping my best friend with finishing touches in her 3rd grade classroom, it finally hit me. We are grown-ups. She taught kindergarten last year which was not far from what she had been doing teaching preschool for several years, and she started after the school year started last fall so it didn't have the same affect on me. But this year it's all the meetings, all the classroom set-up, and getting ready to teach 3rd grade children things like long division and cursive writing. It feels like we were just in that school, how is she teaching in it? And I am married, she is engaged. I know our other friends have been getting the feeling that we really are adults now, but for some reason that didn't seem that weird to me until just recently.

Today is my last day of freedom because tomorrow I am a working woman again. I had a nice 2 month vacation, although it didn't feel nearly that long. Thankfully I got to spend most of it with Will - which was the longest chunk of time we have ever been in the same place together. It was nice that we could appreciate the 6 weeks we had together even in anxious anticipation of the upcoming year apart. We actually had a little bit of time to feel like a married couple, living in the same house and doing everyday things together.

In other news, I'm going to see Lady Gaga tonight and I am excited to see what crazy shenanigans she has planned. This will be my third concert this week! Yikes

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