Monday, September 13, 2010

San Francisco

I arrived at SFO on Saturday night and got picked up by my friends and they brought me to their town of Pleasanton, CA. Their downtown is adorable, and even at night I could tell while people like living in California. Yesterday I had a wonderful day in San Francisco. I had a 7 year old and someone I barely know as my tour guides, and we got a lot done in one day. We took the BART train into the city and bought an all day transportation pass so that we could take any trolley, cable car, or bus around town. The city itself reminded me a lot of Paris or other French cities that I have been to. We also saw a lot of French tourists while we were out and about. Anyways, we started off by taking the cable car up and down one of the giant hills. There were so many tourists crammed into them, my guess is people that live there don't actually use them for reliable transportation.
Our first stop was China town, which Esther was very excited about because she is from China. We had lunch at a Chinese restaurant on the second story of a building with huge windows. Great view and good for people watching. Esther was delighted that she got to eat so much rice. And Marissa got 3 fortunes in her cookie!
We wandered through some of the stores and looked at the weird foods in the grocery stores. Then we hopped back on a cable car that took us down to Fisherman's Warf on the waterfront. It was pretty windy down there but there were a lot of people wandering around and there was a festival going on at the Ghiradelli factory. We got some ice cream from their little store and then headed on to the Golden Gate Bridge. It was amazing to see the bridge up close, I just think it is so beautiful. I've always thought San Francisco was gorgeous from all my days of watching Full House (which I actually watched today haha). I didn't get to see the Full House house or Lombard St. but oh well. We were all pooped by the end of the day and still had a long train ride home.

Ok, Blogger is taking forever to upload any of my other pictures...maybe I will try to put more in a separate post.

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