Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Inhale, Exhale

One of the things I decided to do this year is take a Tai Chi class. I had been wanting to check it out for the past couple years, and while Will was home in July the two of us went to a free introductory class one Sunday morning. We both really enjoyed it and wanted to keep learning. Unfortunately we can't do it together any time soon, so he (if he has time) will be trying to learn it from books, and I will be taking weekly classes. Tonight was the first class of my 8 week course that I signed up for. I like that the instructor is British so his voice is very soothing with his accent. I also really like that Tai Chi is about relaxing and connecting all parts of your body and mind in order to free up your "chi" or energy throughout your physical and mental body. My instructor says you need to move below the speed of habit, and it's amazing how relaxing it actually is. Your breathing automatically adjusts to your body movements so you don't even have to really think about it. If you close your eyes it feels like your body is just effortlessly moving on its own in fluid motions. I think this is going to be really good for my energy and mental health since I often struggle with anxiety and can feel physically affected by my emotions. Tai Chi is also supposed to be really good for your joints, muscles, and can improve the functioning of your internal organs. I am excited to learn more of the forms. Maybe in a few years Will and I will be one of those weird couples doing Tai Chi by the lake :)

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