Monday, September 6, 2010

One last hurrah at the State Fair

Yesterday I went to the State Fair for the third and final time this season. It was a long and interesting day going with a group of 12 total family members including 3 in wheelchairs and one child. It was hard to stay together and get around, but we managed pretty well and everyone had a good time. I like going with my family because we can all get different food items and share. A bite here, a bite there is much better than say, eating a whole order or cheese curds by yourself. We had our favorites including cheese curds, onion rings, and Sweet Martha's and milk. I also ate some other things, like this:
That, my friends, is a deep-fried cheeseburger. Bun and all. The batter kind of tasted like onion ring batter. They should have put some fried onions in there too. While it tasted like a heart attack, it was good! I think after 3 days of the fair this year I got my fill of fatty food, people-watching, and looking at buildings full of crafts.

Side note: I finally heard from my husband! I got an email and a phone call on Saturday morning. I had not heard his voice in 4 weeks, it made me feel so happy but also made me miss him more.

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