Friday, August 27, 2010

A tale of true love and true disappointment

Once upon a time, while on opposite ends of the earth, I met Will through an online dating site. Immediately we knew we had a great connection and began "dating" before we had even met. When he came back stateside to our shared hometown in MN, he was more amazing than I even expected and there started our whirlwind of a love story. We were crazy about each other so we decided that we would make a long-distance relationship work as he was to be stationed in Texas. After only 7 months of dating and trips to and from the Lone Star state, he proposed to me on a mountain-top on a beautiful sunny day. We began planning the perfect wedding in September, planning my move to Texas, found a house to rent so I would have a home to come down to, and decided to get married at the courthouse before our big wedding ceremony to make the move easier. Everything was going according to plan.

Less than a month after our courthouse wedding, Uncle Sam knocked on our door and turned our lives upside down. I had never felt so much emotion at once. All of our excitement turned to disappointment and worry. All of our plans were canceled or postponed. All of our thoughts were of trying to live in the moment while preparing for our first year of  marriage separated by continents and war. I am so proud of my husband and all of the other men and women that serve our country everyday, but how I wish we lived in a world where this was not necessary. I pray for his safety daily and anxiously await the day he comes home to me so we can finally start our lives together in the same country, the same state, in a place we can call home together.

So here I am, still in MN, trying to enjoy the time I have here in this state that I love, with people that I love, trying to distract myself from the disappointment and worry. The fact that basically our whole relationship has been long-distance helps, but I still miss him every second. Time to find things to occupy my time, so far so good. The busier I am, the faster time goes.

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