Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Skewed Perceptions

1. I think having no window in my office is taking a toll on my mood. I'm sure there are many other things contributing to my bad mood and irritability this week, but no sunlight definitely is not helping. I constantly feel like it's 6pm and I should not be working. In my old office my back was to the window, but the natural light still made me feel so much happier. I don't like feeling like I'm in a cave. Hopefully I will be able to get a different office in a few months with a window all to myself. But by then it will be winter. Crap, then it will be dark all the time anyways. Guess I can't win.

2. As I was driving home from my parents' house just a bit ago, I was shivering...and it's 60 degrees! Funny how that temperature can feel totally different depending on the time of year. In March, that's a HEAT WAVE. Now, I'm ready to put on a coat and sit by a fire.

3. Dear people that read my blog (I know you exist because I have stats), feel free to "follow" me or comment occasionally so I don't feel like a loser that writes to nobody. Either way it's a good outlet for me, but still it's nice to know people are out there :)


  1. Hi Brittany,
    I enjoy reading your blogs. I wonder if a lamp for your office with those special full spectrum bulbs for seasonal affective disorder would help you. How gloomy to not have a window!
    Have fun at bingo tonight!
    Love, Cindi

  2. I love your blog. You are a good writer!
    Love mama
